Tuesday, May 31, 2022

ARML Week Itinerary and Information

Dear all,

It's almost time for ARML!  This email contains some logistical information you'll need for the trip this week.


First and most importantly, an itinerary and schedule for the weekend is attached to this email.  Please read it carefully!  It also contains a packing list, contact information for coaches (which students should save in their phones), and some fairly basic rules that students will be expected to follow.

The itinerary will also tell you where and when to meet your travel group (van or flight).  Please read that information right away and make sure you know where to go and when to be there!

You'll notice some of the items on that schedule are TBD; this is primarily because we haven't been told yet which dorm building we'll be staying in.  We will update the itinerary, and re-send it if necessary, when we have this information.

COVID policies

Just as a reminder, please be aware of and cautious with the possibility of last-minute COVID infections, as you would with any other travel or event.  If you experience symptoms this week, you should get tested, by PCR if possible to minimize the possibility of false negatives.  If you test positive, contact the coaches immediately.  If you are unable to travel due to a positive COVID test, we will issue a full refund of fees upon submission of a copy of your test results from a facility that provides such documentation.

As an added precaution, coaches will conduct temperature checks for students traveling in the vans before departure.

We encourage you to wear masks or face coverings as much as possible during the trip, especially in crowded spaces such as the vans, planes, dorm common areas, and individual/relay rounds on Saturday.  Please bring your own masks, but coaches will have a limited supply of extras once you arrive in Las Vegas if needed.

Should a student show COVID symptoms during the trip, we will have some test kits for them to use, and will isolate them as needed if they test positive.  We will contact parents directly about travel home should this occur.

Phone numbers and emergency contacts

Please fill out this form to provide a phone number that you'll have with you on the trip to ARML, and an emergency contact: https://forms.gle/SJcHKhEQRxTJqdZq6 

Should you need to contact staff during the trip, contact information is listed in the itinerary.  Please contact your own team's coaches first, then Moor if you can't reach them, or if there is a major emergency.


We are looking for a volunteer to pick up our t-shirts from the printing company on Tuesday or Wednesday, and bring them to the vans on Thursday morning.  They are at Century Graphics in Sunnyvale and can be picked up anytime between 8:30am and 5:00pm either day.  If you're traveling by van and able to do this, please let us know - it would be greatly appreciated.

Also, it is team tradition to wear your oldest ARML shirt on the vans or on your flight to ARML. If you have your oldest ARML shirt available, please wear it!

If you have any further questions…

…let us know and I or one of the other coaches will do our best to get back to you quickly. If you need to contact us, please use (as always) arml-info@lists.berkeley.edu to ensure that the right person gets your email.

--Silas (and the rest of the coaches)

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