Friday, May 3, 2019

[2019 ARML] - Team roster, and flight deadline extended

Hi everyone,

Here's where things stand for ARML at this point: We have six teams from Northern California (yay!) including the A1 and A2 teams we've been selecting students for, an A3 team we will designate as our JV team, an A4 team consisting entirely of students from the Sacramento area, and A5 and A6 teams from the Bay Area. The coaches have assigned everyone to their respective teams, and teams will be announced at practice on Sunday, which gives us time to make any last-minute corrections. To that end, I have included a list below of everyone we believe has signed up and paid to go to ARML, along with what we believe are your transportation plans. If your name does not appear on this list but you are planning to go to ARML, you must notify us by 6pm Saturday evening (the 4th) or risk being placed on an alternate team. Please let us know as well if your transportation plans do not match up with what we have recorded. At this point, no one who has not paid is guaranteed a spot on the team, so check with us before submitting payment so we can confirm whether we can take you onto the team.

Also, we are still looking for a few students to fly to ARML to balance out the bus-versus-flying numbers, so I am extending the rebate deadline to midnight Sunday. If you are interested in claiming a $100 rebate for taking the approved flights I mentioned in the previous email, book your flights and send us confirmation by midnight Sunday. You can find the approved flights in the email archives on the team web page.

Finally, since some of you are likely to be interested, I wanted to announce that is recruiting for our internship program next school year. Those of you who are graduating this year or have recently graduated are invited to apply, so I'm mostly talking to seniors and coaches here. You can find out more information at and the application at Application deadline is June 10, and I am happy to answer any questions at practice or at ARML. 


List of students who have signed up and paid for ARML this year, along with their transportation details:


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