Monday, May 8, 2017

[2017 ARML] -- Team rosters and transportation and stuff

Okay folks, the moment you've been waiting for.  Or dreading.  Whatever.  We've set our team rosters for ARML.  We've got 6 full teams plus an entire team's worth of coaches.  110 of us in all.  Attached to this email is a roster that tells what team everyone is on (coaches for students are 8's and coaches for coaches are 9's).  It also indicates whether we have your permission slip, what your transportation plans are both directions, and which nights you will be staying in the dorms.  Please look this over and let us know IMMEDIATELY at if anything looks incorrect.  Our final housing roster is due to ARML on Tuesday, so this all needs to be final by then.  Note that we actually have more than 15 students on some teams.  Invariably we will need to relegate a couple of students to the alternate teams, and this will be based on practice attendance.  So please show up to practice!

One thing to note is that we are still over capacity on the return bus by a few students.  So I'm going to open up one final rebate offer to try to entice students to take a flight home from ARML:  Anyone who schedules a RETURN flight on one of the approved flights and sends us your confirmation by midnight Monday will be eligible for a $50 rebate.  If you want to fly both ways, that's cool too, but at this point the rebate offer is for the return flight only.

Also, in place of (hopefully not in addition to) that horrible horrible guest speaker about casino promotions, ARML will be running something called "Who Wants to Be a Mathematician" on Friday night after the power question and before the pizza.  We can enter a team of three, at least one of whom must be a girl.  If you are interested in being considered for this (you must be able to attend an orientation at 3pm on Friday June 2), send an email to by the end of the week and we'll figure out where to go from there.

Finally, watch for a t-shirt survey soon.  We will send that out as soon as it's ready and will give you a small window of opportunity to vote on the design.  We will all wear the same design, but with each team in a different color.  Your team will get to vote on its color, with A1 voting on which shade of pink and A2 voting on which shade of black to wear.  :)

That's all for now.  #threepeat #desperatelyseekingsecond #A3JVforthewin

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